Gail Allen is a classically trained artist living in New Hampshire, USA, who sculpts, paints and creates custom designed landscapes, murals and event products.
Please click here to view my painting gallery site:
Gail M. Allen Fine Art

If you like my work, but are not ready to purchase a painting,
you may purchase fine art prints or cards with my paintings on them at my site: Gail Allen Contemporary Fine Art (Print and Card Shop)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Creative Immersion

   As my creative work sustains me and helps me to overcome the current obstacles, it is changing and evolving. Oftentimes, creative immersion sets the stage for my day. There are days when I begin painting and have lost myself so deeply in the immersion of creativity and process, that my son returns home at dinnertime and brings me back to the reality that the sun has set and it is now dark outside. Those are the days I love! The only diversions of the day were to pour another steaming cup of tea, or give a well earned treat to my trusty chocolate lab laying at my feet. Oh, and every now and then a step back to assess what I have accomplished and what needs to be changed.
  There are many who feel diversity in your work can be detrimental to attracting galleries and collectors. I feel that the evolution of an artist is essential to their creativity. Getting pigeonholed into one style never helped any artistic soul to advance -  be it in the visual, architectural, stage and screen or music venues. Studying artists of the past is more interesting to me when I look at the evolution of their work. My paintings are created with the thought that I want to express and share how I feel about what I see and also how I see it, with the freedom of imagination and discovery. Skill and constant learning are essential. One day a week, at least, I allow myself the opportunity to begin to create a painting in a totally different manner or style -appeasing my visionary soul, to keep my imagination and creativity developing. I hope you will follow along in this evolution. Your thoughts are appreciated.

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