Gail Allen is a classically trained artist living in New Hampshire, USA, who sculpts, paints and creates custom designed landscapes, murals and event products.
Please click here to view my painting gallery site:
Gail M. Allen Fine Art

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you may purchase fine art prints or cards with my paintings on them at my site: Gail Allen Contemporary Fine Art (Print and Card Shop)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

No Empty Chairs - (Porch Rocker Painting)

No Empty Chairs by Gail M. Allen
No Empty Chairs
11" X 8"
Oil on Board

The latest painting added to my oil paintings gallery at Gail M. Allen Fine Art is No Empty Chairs. The idea for the painting came from a thought I had, as I watched our porch rocker emptily rocking in the wind. The afternoon light was streaming through the trees beyond the porch casting a golden glow.

  A friend had once told me that we have no empty chairs in our homes, because they are always filled with the loved ones and dear friends who have passed and watch over us. Apparently, this was something she was told as a child by her parents, and is associated with a  belief of the Latter Day Saints Church members.  Also associated with this phrase, through  a belief of the Mormon faith is that through a "Sealing Ceremony" conducted in the temple, the family unit will survive death. It was believed that the way the family functioned on earth would have a direct impact on how it may survive in Heaven.
Although this is not my particular faith - I found it an interesting concept. During the few hours I painted the wicker rocker on the porch there was a soft, slight wind.  As I cleaned up my brushes and packed up my belongings, the wind dissipated,  the rocking stopped and the golden light faded with the end of the day.

I have been working on doing a smaller, study painting, every two to three days. Parts of these paintings will be included in the larger works,  usually closer to 30" X  40"  or larger in size.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

I think you have really captured the feeling you were after in this painting Gail. There is a real warmth and glow and what you wrote about the ideas behind it was very interesting.