Gail Allen is a classically trained artist living in New Hampshire, USA, who sculpts, paints and creates custom designed landscapes, murals and event products.
Please click here to view my painting gallery site:
Gail M. Allen Fine Art

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you may purchase fine art prints or cards with my paintings on them at my site: Gail Allen Contemporary Fine Art (Print and Card Shop)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Artist Challenge 26: "CBS Sunday Morning - Sun Mandala"

This is my latest painting "hot" off the easel. It is a 30" X 30" mixed media, mandala painting on canvas, that symbolizes the sun and fire. The symbols are all researched based on their significance to the sun deity and each has a significant meaning. This was in response to the latest Artist Challenge #26 from The Artist Challenge Website - (http://www.theartistchallenge.com) which was to create a sun for the CBS Sunday Morning television show archives. 
The entire design is based on the principles used in the making of Tibetan mandalas. There is a lot of detail that this photo of the painting has not been able to pick up, but I basically wanted to represent the fact that all things on this earth are inherently affected by the sun's gifts. As we see a move to greener energy usage, we are reminded of the importance of every element that we have taken for granted for years in our daily lives. Where would we be without the sun? More explanation of the elements used in creating a mandala will be given in future posts.

1 comment:

Deborah Younglao, Silk Painter said...

Nice work Gail! I like the meaning behind it. The face is great